This water could be better used in your sparge step to improve your efficiency. To further aggravate the lack of sparge water, you are topping off your kettle with a gallon of water. 6.44 liters + 0.95 liters (sorry, I work in metric units) is 1.6 gallons of water which does not directly interact with the grains and further reduces the amount of sparge water you have available. You have a very large amount of dead space under your false bottom or somewhere in your system. Your second is an issue with your equipment profile. My guess right off the top is that you had some bacterial infection which reduced the remaining sugars and dextrins, thus removing the flavor and making it highly carbonated. Does it also lack body? Are there any other unexpected flavors? I would degas some of the beer and recheck the gravity. Your first one is the recipe coming out lacking flavor and being very fizzy. Splitting your issues up into two separate parts: